Why Alternative Wedding Photography Flourishes Without a Shot List

For couples looking to capture their special day, a shot list can be the perfect tool. It helps them ensure all of their desired moments are documented and nothing is forgotten in the hustle and bustle of wedding planning. However, when it comes to alternative wedding photography, having a shot list can actually hinder creativity and prevent photographers from capturing those unexpected yet beautiful moments that make weddings so unique. This article will discuss why alternative wedding photography works better without a shot list, as well as showcase examples of how this approach fosters creativity for truly one-of-a-kind memories.

What is a shot list and how can it help?

In traditional wedding photography, a shot list is a tool used by couples to ensure that all the desired moments of their special day are documented. It's essentially a list of photo types, poses, and locations that the couple would like to be captured in order to create a comprehensive visual story of their wedding day. Shot lists can be incredibly helpful for couples who know exactly what they want captured, as it ensures that all of their desired moments are remembered and accounted for.

Why alternative wedding photography works better without a shot list

However, when it comes to alternative wedding photography, having a shot list can actually be more of a hindrance than help. This style of photography focuses on capturing natural and candid moments as they happen instead of relying on posed shots, albeit there's a little bit of portrait time, but that's still guided by a couple's personality. By having a shot list, couples can be inadvertently preventing their photographer from being able to capture the unexpected yet beautiful moments that make weddings so unique. A shot list can limit creativity and prevent the photographers from attempting more creative shots that could be truly magical.

Picture your wedding day, you and your partner showered in confetti, laughter echoing around. Want to capture the spontaneity and joy without a shotlist? Discover why alternative wedding photography is the way to go

One example of a moment (or several) that could be missed due to relying on a shot list is the “just married” exit, complete with confetti. We all know about the traditional shot of the couple walking out of the church or venue, but what if you leave it to your photographer to capture you and your partner leaving. While I love a good confetti shot, the bits before and after the cloud of petals - a parent sharing a tear with a close family member, or friends planning something fun for when the couple arrive, for example - can be just as amazing.

How do you ensure your photographer captures everything important?

When it comes to alternative wedding photography, couples can still ensure that all desired moments are adequately documented without having to rely on a shot list. My preferred approach is to have a chat with my couples and build a list of important people, locations, moments and things (heirlooms, cars, etc) that they would like captured throughout the day, so that I'm aware of the things that are most meaningful. This isn't as rigorous as a list, and uses a lot more of a subconscious approach to creative photography. If you're looking for a specific style of shot, you can also discuss with your photographer the style of photography that you are looking for, and ask them how they plan on capturing it. This will help ensure that everyone is on the same page, and give your photographer the freedom to be creative and capture all those special moments in unique ways.

Ultimately, alternative wedding photography works best when couples trust their photographers to capture all the special moments of their day without needing a shot list. It’s important for couples to communicate what is most meaningful and important to them before the big day so that they can ensure those memories are documented while still allowing the photographer plenty of artistic freedom. If you want your wedding photos to be truly unique and magical, then consider going with an alternative approach that allows your creative photographer more leeway in capturing unexpected beauty as it happens!

Picture your wedding day - you're laughing in a garden centre trolley near Leeds, pushed by your partner, love and laughter in the air. Want to capture such unique moments without a shotlist? Let's explore alternative wedding photography together!

Of course, if you're looking for an alternative wedding photographer who prefers to leave the shot lists on the Brides blog sites, check out my portfolio, pricing, and get in touch check my availability and book in for a chat.


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